Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Honestly, I have missed the past two days of my bible reading in a year. Sunday I justified it with the fact that I was at church and spent time in the word there. Yesterday was another story. I really have no excuse except for the fact that I was tired and busy. Doesn't hold much weight does it? Regardless of what my excuses and justifications were I can definitely feel the affects of not being in the word today. Yesterday was quite the Monday. My students had a project due and it was like they had never heard of it (nor had their parents with the number of emails I received) and on top of that my bulb for my smartboard has been out since before Christmas break. (Yes I know that I should be happy that I even have a smartboard and I sincerely am, but I am really starting to miss my bright bulb with its great speakers!) I found myself snipping at students and not being the least bit understanding. Doesn't really work out for a good day for me or my students. Then I woke up this morning feeling anxious about who knows what. It's as if God lit a light bulb over my head to get my attention. "Hello, Kristin. All of this is happening because you haven't spent time with me recently! I promise you life wouldn't look so gloom and doom if you would just talk to me or spend time in my word."

Then I remembered reading a interesting comment in Matthew Henry's Commentary this weekend while I was doing my bible study (Funny how on Saturday I can go from spending a couple hours in the word to Sunday and Monday not being the least bit concerned with it). He commented that scripture should show us how God has, is, and will work in our lives while our circumstances in our lives should point us back to promises in scripture. These past two days instead of letting scripture show me how God will work in my life or my circumstances pointing me back to scripture it has been about me complaining and being self absorbed with no trust in my heavenly father.

Life is so much better when we spend time with him, allowing him to remind us how he has worked in our lives previously, how he is currently working in our lives, and how he promises to work in our lives. Don't let your circumstances point you to yourself and your weaknesses, allow them to point you to Christ.

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