Monday, February 21, 2011

Blogging Blues

It has been a week since I blogged and I am pretty bummed about it. I just can't seem to get this blogging schedule thing down. I know as a blog reader I am disappointed when the blogs I follow have not posted something new on a regular basis so I can imagine how my readers feel when I have not kept to my schedule. (Please know I recognize that my blog is not some life or death situation. I don't think that highly of it, I promise.) But I am trying to find a way to make blogging a regular part of my life that I enjoy. I don't want to keep myself to such a schedule that its not something I ever want to do. Perhaps thinking I was going to blog five days a week was a little too much to handle and I should lessen the number of blogs I expect myself to do (These are definitely all self imposed expectations). But we will see. Hopefully I will be able to find a schedule that works for me and makes everyone involved happy! Happy Monday!


  1. You have only been blogging for two months and you have posted a ton in my opinion! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, the longer you go the easier it becomes! When I first started blogging I barely posted at all, now I post constantly!

  2. i've just accepted that three days are all i can handle. auto posting really helps me. i've set aside two afternoons a week and i try to get a few posts lined up for the week. that seems to have helped me. when my writing time comes, i write even if i don't feel like it!

    have grace for yourself, too. i think you have a unique perspective that should be shared!

  3. Thanks Leigh! I am super excited for you and Gray! Praying for you guys and little A.

    Thanks for the encouragement Ellen. Three days sounds like a good number. I have auto posted a couple and it worked well. I just need to get disciplined to actually write on a regular basis even if I don't feel like it. Discipline is not my strong suite :)
